Environment, Society, Governance (ESG)

What is ESG and how can it add value to your company?

Do you need to retain and attract employees with a CSR policy?

Do you need to expand your sources of inspiration with different points of view?

Whether it is about developing the organization itself to support its growth, developing business to reach new heights or being proactive in ensuring the development and integration of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria, all these elements are essential to ensure the performance and sustainability of the company.

A conscientious approach to achieving your objectives

At Point Cardinal, we believe that all organizations can have a positive impact in their ecosystem. ESG criteria are a trend not to be underestimated that creates a lot of value for your organization.

Examples of deliverables:

• Establish your ESG criteria in line with your organization’s vision.
• Impact strategy and sustainable development plan.
• Integrate ESG into your processes.
• Sensitize your team to understand what ESG or EDI is using training.
• Tailored training: responsible procurement, eco-responsibility and good ESG practices.
• Identification of opportunities.
• Implementation of programs or projects.
• Recommendations following an ESG diagnosis.
• Assistance towards B-Corp certification.